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West Vancouver Memorial Library
November 5, 2011- January 8, 2012
Opening: November 6, 2011


Trint Thomas
Monique Martin


Monique Martin

Photograph 12 x 18"




The title is “Surrender” because everything in the environment has to surrender to humans, animals are powerless to change the ways in which their environment is altered and changed by our living in close proximity to their habitat.




Bird Trail
Trint Thomas

Photograph 12 x 18"

The birds in this photo look like they form the same shape as an oil spill. This was something I wanted to capture because there is delicate balance between man and nature, our need for non renewable resources can totally alter an ecosystem.


Trint Thomas
Photograph 12 x 18"


This photo is powerful because you can realize in the expression of the bird that he really knows you are there and therefore we impact their world.



Trint Thomas

Photograph 12 x 18"


Two older people walking on the beach, with years of visual images and experiences in their minds.